Psalm 106: 36-38 and America

Written by Philip Thompson

Psalm 106:36-38 and America

Psa 106:36  And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. 

Psa 106:37  Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, 

Psa 106:38  And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. 

The author of this Psalm is bemoaning the past sins of the nation of Israel. as we can read very readily in the old testament, the sins of Israel were many and greatly egregious.

However among the absolute worst was this sin. we read that the people of Israel, his peculiar and chosen people, sacrificed their own children to idols of Canaan.

One of the worst things about sin is that it is rarely original. By that I mean, show me a sin in our current day that is widely accepted and I’ll show you the same sin in the Bible, and here we see a perfect example of that regarding abortion.

There are some scary points in this passage that correlate to how modern day abortion is in our day, here’s are a few

1 – the people who were engaging in this were serving idols, and sacrificing to devils –

While you may not find an idol in many people’s house in the way we think of the word “idol” (as an image of stone or wood), there are most certainly in many people’s lives idols that they submit to every day. People submit to spouses as god, children as god, Alcohol as god, Drugs as god, Sexual pleasure as god, careers and worldly positions as god, Religious rituals and rites and even religious figures as god, and then they sacrifice whatever is necessary to please that god they have set over themselves. In the same way that people served idols then, many Americans serve idols now! And believe me it has become a snare to our nation’s soul!

2 – because of the previously mentioned idolatry we see the result is the sacrifice of their own progeny.

When we get our priorities messed up in any area of life there will be resulting problems, this is never more true than in the case of putting God anywhere but first in our lives. We see that because they didn’t value the true God of the Bible they began to commit horrible deeds in His sight, completely disregarding His commandments!

It’s the same way today. Sadly people will sacrifice their own children because they feel they will not be able to do all they want in this life, and because their “gods” are what’s most important to them, they will sacrifice their children to please those same gods!

3 – this was not some “little boo-boo” that the children of Israel committed.

It is clearly all too common in our day and country to “wink” at sin, to simply think of it all as “not a big deal”, people don’t seem to understand the gravity of their actions and the consequences that inevitably follow. In this case the land being “polluted with blood.”

Just as before they did not consider the importance of God’s Word, even now do they not spare a passing glance at the Bible to see what God has to say about a given matter, this is so sadly true regarding abortion almost more than any other sin, they have so many reasons why its “ok”, so many reasons why it’s not against their moral compass.

However it MUST come down to two things,

First, what God is your God?

Second, what does THE TRUE GOD say about what you’re doing?

If people asked these questions with a genuine heart and a ready mind, abortion would be cast out of our land before congress could even lift a finger, it has to be God that comes back into our land and starts to convict us of our sins because we see in V. 38 the land was polluted with blood, I’m afraid our land is probably far more polluted than Israel was, If we ever want to get back to our previous moral state we need to invite God back into the picture and let him start remodeling.

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